Publications 2011 - 2012

Gregory A. Marus, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Pamela Pollet, Megan E. Donaldson, Veronica Llopis-Mestre, Sean Faltermeier, Renee Roesel, Leslie Gelbaum, Charles L. Liotta, and Charles A. Eckert, “The Sustainable and Scalable Synthesis of Piperylene Sulfone: A “Volatile” and Recyclable DMSO Substitute,” I&EC Res, 50, 23-27, 2011. (abstract)

Ali Z. Fadhel, Pamela Pollet, Charles L. Liotta, Charles A. Eckert, “Novel Solvents for Sustainable Production of Specialty Chemicals,” Annual Review of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, 2, 189-210, 2011. (abstract)

Ali Z. Fadhel, Wilmarie Medina-Ramos, Andy Wu, Jackson Ford, Veronica Llopis-Mestre, Rani Jha, Pamela Pollet, Charles L. Liotta, Charles A. Eckert, “Exploiting Phase Behavior for Coupling Homogeneous Reactions with Heterogeneous Separations in Sustainable Production of Pharmaceuticals,” JChem Eng Data, 56, 1311-1315, 2011. (abstract)

Pamela Pollet, Charles A. Eckert, and Charles L. Liotta, “Switchable Solvents,” Chem. Sci, 2, 609 – 614, 2011.(abstract)

P. Pollet, C. L. Liotta, C. A. Eckert, M. Verma, E. Nixon, S. Sivaswamy, R. Jha, F. Momin, L. Gelbaum, B. I. Chaudhary, J. M. Cogen, “Radical-Mediated Graft Modification of Polyethylene Models with Vinyltrimethoxysilane: A Fundamental Study”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 12246–12253, 2011. (abstract)

Amy Rohan, Jackson Switzer, Kyle Flack, ryan Hart, Swetha Sivaswamy, Elizabeth Biddinger, Manish Talreja, Manjusha Verma, Sean Faltermeier, Paul Nielsen, Pamela Pollet, George Schuette, Charles Eckert, Charles Liotta, “The Synthesis and the Chemical and Physical Properties of Non-Aqueous Silylamine Solvents for CO2 Capture,” ChemSusChem, 5, 11, 2181-2187, 2012. (abstract)

Kyle Flack,Kristen Kitagawa,Pamela Pollet,Charles A. Eckert,Kent Richman, Joy Stringer, William Dubay, and Charles L. Liotta, “Al(OtBu)3 as an Effective Catalyst for the Enhancement of Meerwein-Ponndorf−Verley (MPV) Reductions,” Organic Process Research & Development, 16, 1301-1306, June2012. (abstract)

Maria Gonzalez-Miquel, Manish Talreja, Amy Ethier, Kyle Flack, Jackson Switzer, Elizabeth Biddinger, Pamela Pollet, Jose Palomar, Francisco Rodriguez, Charles Eckert, and Charles Liotta, “COSMO-RS Studies: Structure-property Relationships for CO2 Capture by Reversible Ionic Liquids,” I&EC Res, 51, 16066-16073, 2012. (abstract)



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